SSSG: In 2023, the issue of the annexation of the occupied Tskhinvali region remained a significant threat, because, according to Russia, the subject of the occupied region becoming part of Russia was still active for a certain period of time

The issue of the annexation of the occupied Tskhinvali region remained an important threat, because, according to Russia, the subject of the occupied region becoming part of Russia was still active from time to time, - this is stated in the 2023 report of the State Security Service, which has already been submitted to the parliament.

According to their explanation, the financial dependence of the occupied regions on the Russian Federation is a particularly important factor in terms of annexation.

"The so-called president Alan Gagloev stated that the majority of the population of the occupied region are Russian citizens and consider themselves a "part" of Russia. The so-called the party "United Ossetia" raised the issue of "integration" at the meetings held in the Russian Duma and the presidential administration. Also, the so-called volunteers participating in the Russia-Ukraine war asked the President of Russia to accept the Tskhinvali region as part of Russia.

During the reporting period, it was observed that the a deliberate attempt to establish the concept of so-called East Ossetia, which was aimed at making the Truso valley a part of the conflict, and presenting Georgia as an "aggressor" that allegedly "captured" the territories of the occupied Tskhinvali region. In 2023, the so-called conflict between the occupied Tskhinvali region and the Russian Federation was discussed. The issue of increasing the capacity of the customs checkpoint and removing customs duties. In terms of annexation, the financial dependence of the occupied regions on the Russian Federation is still a particularly important factor. The so-called budget of Tskhinvali region is approximately USD 107 million, of which approximately 78% (approximately USD 83.2 million) was funded by the Russian Federation,” the report said.

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